Terms and conditions

This website is managed by E-Z-Media Limited

By using the site, you are accepting the following terms and conditions.

Acceptable use

The primary audience for this website is the general public. Everyone is welcome to read the material. When using the site, you must avoid infringing the rights or enjoyment of other users or breaking the law in any way.

Intellectual property

Names, images and logos identifying E-Z-Media Limited are proprietary marks. Copying our logo or any third-party logo accessed via this site is not allowed without prior approval from the copyright owner.


We are not responsible for the quality or reliability of the websites we link to. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time, nor that linked pages will always be available.

You do not need to ask for permission to link to this site, but our pages must not be loaded into frames on your site. They must load into the user's entire window.

Virus protection

Although we make every effort to check and test material at all stages of production, you should always run an anti-virus program on material you download from the internet. We accept no responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or computer system that occurs while using material derived from this website.


All information on this site is provided 'as is'. We cannot guarantee that functions will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected or that this site or its server are free of viruses or reflect the full functionality, accuracy and reliability of the materials. We will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with use of this site.


These terms and conditions may change from time to time, but the latest version will always be available here. We will tell you about any significant changes.

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales.


If you feel that material on this site is incorrect or inappropriate, or that it breaches these terms and conditions, please fill in the feedback form.

Company Reg. No: 03500729 Reg. Office: 10 Montrave Road – LONDON – SE20 7BS

Page last updated: 6 September 2010