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Confused about terms like HTML, CMS and ASP? Why not check out our glossary.

The software used to access and render websites. The most commonly used browsers are FireFox and Internet Explorer


The Leasehold Advisory Service

After performing an appraisal of the LEASE website on behalf of COI, we won the tender to redevelop the website and to ensure that it met the W3C and UK web development guidelines for universal accessibility (AA). The information architecture (IA) was outlined using Microsoft Visio, the designs executed using Adobe Photoshop and the project was hand-coded using xHTML,CSS and JavaScript with a bespoke ASP and MS-SQL content management system. Some active elements use ASP.NET (VB) for back-end functionality.



With over twelve years experience working on high-profile Internet projects, we are well placed to help you develop your web presence. Contact us now to see how we can help you.


We have a proven track record in providing universally accessible web applications. All our developments conform to a minimum of AA priority W3C/UK Government web accessibility guidelines.


We have many years of experience developing high profile, high volume web applications that end users find easy and intuitive to use.


From a single page website to large database-driven applications, we will do our best to fulfil your requirements and give you maximum value. Whatever your budget, whatever your timeframe, we will ensure that our feature-rich web application developments are delivered on time and within budget.


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Company Reg. No: 03500729
Reg. Office: 10 Montrave Road – LONDON – SE20 7BS

Site last updated: 22 November 2012